Chemical Engineering Tutorials: Entropy Change of the Universe

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Entropy Change of the Universe

The entropy change of the universe is the sum of the entropy change of the system and the entropy change of the surroundings:

ΔSuniverse = ΔSsystem + ΔSsurrounding

To determine the entropy change of the universe, let us consider the following processes:

  • Adiabatic expansion
  • Adiabatic compression
  • Heat Engine
  • Heat Pump

Adiabatic expansion

Let us consider a reversible adiabatic expansion of a gas in a piston-cylinder device from P1 to P2. Since work is done by the system, the gas temperature decreases to the final state temperature T2. The process is represented on a P – T diagram below:

During expansion, work is done by the system and -W is a positive quantity. As the initial and final state pressures are the same, part of the work done by the system during the irreversible expansion process is used to overcome friction and as a result:

This indicates that the irreversible process leads to a smaller decrease in internal energy than the reversible process. Equation 3 can be expressed as:

U1 – U2 > U1 – U3    thus U3 > U2                        (4)

Therefore T3 > T2. It is possible to go from state 3 to state 2 by removing heat reversibly to decrease the temperature. The change in entropy for this process is given by:

Since heat is removed from the system, i.e., dQ < 0, then S3 > S2.

On the other hand, the reversible process occurs at constant entropy, (S1 = S2), and thus S3 > S1. Note that the processes 1 → 2 and 1 → 3 cause no entropy change of the surroundings as they both are adiabatic. Hence, the system entropy change is the entropy change of the universe. The universe entropy changes due to the reversible and irreversible adiabatic expansion processes are summarized as follows:

Adiabatic Compression

Let us consider a reversible adiabatic compression of a gas in a piston-cylinder device from P1 to P2. Since work is done on the system, the gas temperature will increase to the final state temperature, T2. The process is represented on a P – T diagram as follows:

During compression, work is done on the system and W is positive. Since the initial and final state pressures are the same, the irreversible compression requires an extra work to overcome friction and as a result:

This indicates that the irreversible process leads to a larger increase in internal energy than the reversible process. Equation 8 can then be expressed as:

U3 – U1 > U2 – U1    thus U3 > U2                        (9)

Therefore T3 > T2. It is possible to go from state 3 to state 2 by removing heat reversibly to decrease the temperature. The change in entropy for this process is given by:

Since heat is removed from the system, i.e., dQ < 0, then S3 > S2.

On the other hand, the reversible process occurs at constant entropy, (S1 = S2), and thus S3 > S1. These processes have no entropy change of the surroundings as they both are adiabatic. Hence, the system entropy change is the entropy change of the universe. The universe entropy changes due to the reversible and irreversible adiabatic expansion processes are summarized as follows:

Heat Engine

Let us consider two heat engines that operate between heat reservoirs at the same constant temperatures TH and TC as shown below:

The reversible on extracts QH amount of heat from the high temperature reservoir and discards Qcrev amount of heat to the low temperature reservoir, with a work output of -Wrev.

The irreversible heat engine receives the same amount of heat from the high temperature reservoir and discards Qcirrev amount of heat to the low temperature reservoir, with a work output of − Wirrev.

The entropy change of the universe is:

ΔSuniverse = ΔSH + ΔSheat engine + ΔSC                                (11)

As the heat engine operates is cyclical, there is no entropy change of the heat engine and thus Eq. 11 simplifies as:

ΔSuniverse = ΔSH + ΔSC                                (12)

For a reversible heat engine, equation 12 can be expressed as:

For a heat engine ΔU = 0 and − W = Q. Thus,

QH - Qcrev = -Wrev      and   QH - Qcirrev = -Wirrev              (17)

Since both of the heat engines operate between the same temperature limits, the work output of the reversible heat engine is always greater than the irreversible one, i.e.,

-Wrev > -Wirrev              (18)

Using equation 18 in equation 17 we see that:

Qcirrev > Qcrev                   (19)

Using the identity in equation 19, we can compares equations 15 and 16 to result in:

ΔSuniverse|irrev > 0               (20)

Heat Pump

Let us consider two heat pumps (refrigerators) that operate between the same constant temperature heat reservoirs TH and TC as shown: 

The reversible heat pump extracts QC amount of heat from the low temperature reservoir and discards QHrev amount of heat to the high temperature reservoir. Thus, Wrev amount of work is done on the heat pump.

The irreversible heat pump extracts the same amount of heat from the low temperature reservoir but discards QHirrev amount of heat to the high temperature reservoir while receiving Wirrev amount of work from the surroundings.

The entropy change of the universe is expressed as:

                                   ΔSuniverse = ΔSH + ΔSheat pump + ΔSC                                (21)

As mentioned previously, since the heat engine operates is cyclical, there is no entropy change of the heat engine and thus Eq. 11 simplifies as:

ΔSuniverse = ΔSH + ΔSC                                (22)

For a reversible heat pump, equation 22 can be expressed as:

For a heat pump ΔU = 0 and − W = Q. Thus,

QCQHrev = -Wrev      and   QCQHirrev = -Wirrev       (26) 

Since both of the heat engines operate between the same temperature limits, the work received by the reversible heat engine is always less than the irreversible one, i.e.,

                                                                  Wrev <  Wirrev              (27)

Using equation 27 in equation 26 we see that:

QHirrev > QHrev            (28)

Since QHirrev is larger than in the reversible case, QHrev, comparing Equations 24 and 25 results in:

ΔSuniverse|irrev > 0            (29)


The results for the thermal processes (Heat engine & heat pump) are the same as those obtained for the mechanical processes (Adiabatic expansion & compression) and can be summarized by the equation

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